
Friday 3 October 2014

BUCS Football Development Committee

I'm now a couple of weeks into 3rd year, all assignment deadlines are logged on my wall chart, I'm back into coaching and continuing with all of my youth council work - since my last post Lancashire FA have set up their own youth council and I have been voted to co-chair it - a very proud moment. 

I've also had a new opportunity come up which I have acted upon and been successful in applying for. The BUCS Football Development Committee has recently been set up to help BUCS to deliver on their strategy and 6 point offer. I was successful in applying and I am the youngest member of the group, still a university student I have got the student eye. Within my role as an activator I have the opportunity to connect with 72 other activators and network to ensure that what is being run is appropriate, to check and challenge the opinions of other activators and really drive the thoughts from ground level. 

It's very much a proud moment for me to be a part of the group. Like I said, we had our first meeting yesterday, down in London at the British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) Headquarters, literally hidden out of the way of the public eye. After looking down the list of attendees it would be an understatement to say I was both nervous and apprehensive. Sitting with people who have more experimented than myself, looking to work on a national level surely it was only natural to be a little bit nervous.

When being asked why I applied, it would be and was easy to say it's a CV Enhancer.. But really it's an opportunity for me to make that step to another level, testing my skills and knowledge and also to work with people which will helpfully help to prepare me for the real world once I've left uni. Linking to the BUCS Student Mangement Team and National Game Youth Council this is a huge step in the right direction, which will also help to link everything together. 

Yesterday we looked directly at Futsal, the pathway currently in place and the steps which will be taken to improve the programme. What needs to be done to collect the right research. If we don't know who is involved in university Futsal programmes and the rationale behind them, how can the programme be modified and improved? It'd be like stabbing in the dark, some people play for fun, others for the competition. So before any changes are made, we need to have research and evidence to ensure that they are the right changes. Another question might be why is there a lateral pathway in the first place? Why can't players dip in and out of recreational and elite Futsal? What if they want to play with their friends as well as in the BUCS team?

With plenty of key actions and recommendations, the meeting was a success. This as long as we follow up on the actions and become a doing group, not just meeting for the sake of meeting.

I'm looking forwards to the next meeting and seeing the impact we will have on the BUCS football pathway. Again it's great to be part of it all. After speaking to a tutor last week, they questioned whether I'm used to going to these meetings and working with older and more experienced candidates.. Which I kind of am, but always nervous of my own capabilities. I can honestly say, I walked out of that meeting high in the knowledge that I had left everything at the table, all questions were asked and all points put across. Not a bad feeling after walking in worried I wouldn't fit in. 

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