
Wednesday 15 August 2018


Mountains, the peaks and the pits. Pits which can either be sunk into, or filled to provide platforms of opportunity. Peaks, which feel good for a moment, but real pride is always found within the journey. The steps in-between.
I guess we always see the extremes, the start and perceived end. The tip of the iceberg, the podium finish. Not the glorious amounts of effort, time, setbacks, tripwires, mistakes.. and everything else which doesn't feel like steps on the way to success, but most definitely progress. 

These mistakes, and things, might seem like a pit. But with the mindset of 'not yet', or 'what can be learnt' they become opportunities for growth. Not failure at all. First attempt in learning, which becomes a Second Attempt In Learning.. that opportunity to 'sail'  as I have recently been told.

Through the help of some incredible people, this past season, we have had many first, second, third, fourth attempts in learning. Attempts which could easily have resulted in a frustrated, demoralised and discontent reaction... but I've learnt that doesn't help anyone, least of all myself. I was caught using the term, persistent in the pursuit of progress earlier this week, and I think that is the best way to describe it all. But lets's not get caught out here, just because this persona may look indestructible, doesn't mean it is.

In the same way the persistence of water breaks the rock, over force. That happens to us as well. In the relentless desire to bounce back, to learn, and understand have I damaged myself? Has the persistent challenge pushed me to breaking point? Have I gone against all of my own advice, and stayed in the water flow for too long without a break? The same water which boils the egg, softens the potato, right? So the same challenge which provides the opportunity to develop resilience could also lesson it. 

It's an interesting thought, that in trying to develop something we could end up further away. 

But, how do we know? How do we measure that progress? Until we hit breaking point. The moment we didn't think would come. When we actually have to stop because there is no other option.

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