
Monday 19 August 2013

The Football Futures Effect

When I joined the Football Futures programme I never dreamt of reaching the heights which I have. Travelling the country, being a part of national programmes and events. I've collected many hours, but since realised; it's not about counting the hours, but making the hours count.

I'm so incredibly proud of all I've achieved, nothing more than the personal challenges which I've created, overcome and continue to put in front of myself. Spotting a problem and wanting to do something about it. Wanting to improve my eye contact and doing just that. Now I want to 'relax' in the sense of not being stressed or worried. Aimed more so at the coaching environment, but its something which will benefit my everyday life.

Football Futures: it's not about how many games are won, events attended or hours collected; but how many young people you help to become winners in life.*(AW) FF goes further than the white lines on the pitch, further than developing people capable of working in football, but people capable of taking on life.

"You can get rid of the football bit, it's about futures." Roger Davies, 2013

In coaching, running events, refereeing, we are dealing with people. 100% people, they should all have the chance to play football or at least be a part of it, even if less than 1% make it to the professional stage. The same goes for young leaders, or should we say young people? All of us having chances to be challenged, to enjoy ourselves as we'll as working with others. 

Who's to say that learning stays within the 6 Football Futures topics? Or even just revolves around football? The programme might have a title, but that's not the entire topic, the programme is so much more. 
Life skills are found and used. Ask any young leader across the country and I'm sure they will say how FF has benefitted their confidence. Confidence to blow a whistle, put forward ideas, take charge. This confidence is grown from grassroots, just like football. If you don't plant the seed how can you expect the grass to grow. If its not in the best environment for that seed, how can it's growth be sustained. As we keep watering it, it will get bigger. The more seeds we plant, the more grass we get. 
Every seed is a spark of confidence, after some time, you will have a field. But make sure you have enough to look after. An acre of grass takes a long time to mow. 
The football futures programme doesn't give out grass, but the opportunity to plant seeds. 

Other skills such as communication and organisation, transferable skills which can be used in more ways than setting up a tournament. Adaptability, creativity, being under pressure. Being put into challenging situations where a thought process and initiative is the key to success. I hope it's visable that the named skills are life skills, used in everyday life, the work place, with friends.. EVERYWHERE! 

Football Futures provides opportunities for these skills to be gained and used, of course these are just a select few. Opportunities to put ourselves to the test. Find out new ways to do things, and things about ourselves which may never have been uncovered. 

The programme has allowed me to meet hundreds of people across the country who are on the programme and working within football and sport. People who have a want to improve themselves as people as well as young leaders. To makes numerous contacts within the sporting world. 

Most importantly, FF has allowed me to meet some amazing people who have become my friends. I no longer go to events worrying about who else is there. But go with a buzz of excitement to be reunited with these people and spend the day with them and catch up. We really are all starting to be a part of the Football Futures Family. 
They aren't just friends but role models, teachers, mentors, coaches, motivators and supporters. How fantastic that this programme has influenced and given the opportunity for young people to fulfil these roles and become so influential on their peers. Creating more than just 'football friends,' but people who make up my everyday life. 

So many other young people have a want to improve them-self, and also other around them. Challenging each other, looking out for new opportunities. People who have a genuine care for each other. My twitter and Facebook feed is built up with young leaders across the country. I get to read about what my peers are doing, sharing their success and learning curves. 
There are ideas of creating a network of young people by using youth councils, but it's already happening. Young leaders creating a vibe, a culture, travelling further than their county FA.

Experiences are shared everyday. What's amazing is the link between young and experienced young leaders. We are always leaning, always. Older leaders are able to help, support and pass on their knowledge. Inspiring the inspirational to go on and be the best they can be to create a stronger force.

A great thing I saw on a Durham FA video showcased the link between every young leader. Even after travelling the country, even the world, scholarships and experiences, we're all young leaders/volunteers.. The FF Programme brings everyone together in the world of football. 

Learning to deal with people, understand we are developing personalities as well as abilities, our own as well as those around us. 

Is football really just a game? Is Football Futures really just a programme?

It's difficult to sum up and express how the programme has influenced so many people. There are success stories all across the country. Opportunities for everyone, no matter how many are churned out it is down to us as young leaders to take them and make the most of everything to be the best people we can be.

"We're all part of a wonderful programme that goes beyond playing football." John Heathcote

*original quote, 'what's important is not how many games you win, but how many young people you help to become winners in life' Martens. 

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